Looking for a great chiropractic marketing idea? Use Facebook to find new patients. Did you know that Facebook is much more than just a quick and easy way to keep up with friends? It is also a great platform for attracting local patients to your clinic.


Chiropractic marketing

The simple guidelines listed below will show you how to use Facebook to your chiropractic office or practice‚ the advantages and why it will take your chiropractic advertising to a whole new level.


Build a Facebook Page for Your Practice


First, there is a difference between a Facebook Profile vs. a Facebook Page. A Profile is for you as a person while a Page is used only for your business. So, in this case the first step is to create a Facebook Page for your business.


Second, you should get yourself a branded Facebook URL. If you don't go for a branded Facebook URL then the default url they give you will be long and ugly. Do a quick Google search for details about how to get a branded Facebook url. It is free and easy.


Incentivize People to Like Your Facebook Page


You can configure your Page such that when a new visitor visits your page, they can be shown a screen that says "Click the Like Button and Get a Free Office Visit Coupon."


This encourages a lot more folks to like your page which then causes others within their circle to see that a friend likes your practice. This is the magic of Facebook in action.


Chiropractic marketing

Consistency is Key


Nothing is worse than a Facebook Page that is ignored by its owner. Don't let the cobwebs form. If you only post on your wall once a month or less, it looks like you simply don't care.


Certain people check Facebook a few times daily and they will think you don't have much going on. I would say that posting to your wall once a day is a good habit to get into.


In summary, Facebook can be a great way to find local patients. It is a great chiropractic marketing idea and best of all it costs nothing to use. Follow the steps I've outlined in this article and it will give you a good head start to more success.


For more Chiropractic Marketing tips and ideas that have been proven to work visit: http://practicebuildingcenter.com

Chiropractic marketing